Friday, June 5, 2009

CLOSED FOR BUSINESS: Keolani's Courier Service

Since the dawn of time the secretary's at my kid's schools have known who I am. For the obvious reasons, but also for another one. I have raised the most forgetful kids on the planet. In elementary school it was glasses and lunches. Now it's SSR books, homework, paper lunch sacks (for what? twice? in two days? give me a break) and orchestra dresses. Every time a kids calls, I drop what I'm doing, rearrange my life, go into the school and let the secretary give me the look. You know the look. The one that says "You're an idiot and so are your kids." My sister, who has finished raising her kids, told me that she had a very strict rule about bringing things to the school once a year for each kid. I thought that was crazy. Once? What if they are hungry? What if they can't see? What if they get a bad grade? In third grade. Because it matters then? Well, at this point I'm saying ENOUGH!!!! I have NOT raised responsible, independent people. And the oldest is the worst one! She has called me 3, I repeat 3 times this week. The first time I said "no way." Then she had the nerve to say "that's ok, I can't bring it tomorrow." Let me get this right. You were going to make me drop everything, rearrange my life, go into the school and let the secretary give me the look, but you don't really need it? The next day she called again for the same item. So, of course, I say "no way." "That's ok," she said. "We have enough without mine." ARE YOU FREAKIN KIDDING ME????? Does she not realize that my going to her school could make the difference in whether I get breakfast or not? I work till 2:30 with no lunch. Breakfast is not optional. So today she calls again. Obviously fearful. She doesn't need to be fearful, just very, very, very, very sorry. She forgot her orchestra dress to turn in. Now, this is something I can get on board with. She doesn't turn it in and it costs me money. I think Kathy had it right - I hate when that happens. Next year I'm thinking they each have one (maybe two, maybe three - you see my problem here) chance. Maybe being hungry once will teach them.


  1. Your sister is a better mother than I am, cause I, like you, are at my kids' beckoned call. I feel so bad when they call and are all upset on the phone...and anything for a better grade, right? Christian at least says "please, I would really appreciate it, mom". How can you resist that? Especially when it is his "cup" for baseball that he has forgotten! Good luck with the once a year thing. Maybe I will'll cost ya, and charge them $5. Then we will see how bad they want whatever it is!

  2. Once a year...that's just crazy isn't it!? You can't listen to everything your sister tells look at how her kids turned out! Hehe. Good Luck!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. That is genius, genius I'm saying!
