Friday, April 17, 2009

Kids Quote of the Week

Devin has so got my number. This was the conversation we had yesterday morning

D: You know what I like best about the end of the school year?

M: I'm gonna guess it's being almost done with school.

D: No, it's that you get too lazy to make sack lunches.

There you have it folks. Lazy mom rules!


  1. Lazy Moms are the best! I'm thinking of starting a club. Don't you hate it when our kids are "on" to us. Elsie told me the other day "Aren't you gonna wake up Mom? You promised you would." And then, "Are you GOING to the gym today?" Guess I should stop telling her my daily goals the night before! Keep the posts coming, I miss them.

  2. Ok so It took me a second to put the name with the face but I totally remember you. And the next thing I thought was that Autumn is only supposed to be 6 still and her and my brother are getting married. My mom was here in march and we watch the home video of them. I have never laughed so hard in my life. Thanks to pregnancy, I peed my pants. Ok, adding you to my blogs I stalk!
