Friday, March 13, 2009

Driving Miss Autumn

Or maybe it should read - Miss Autumn Driving.

For the record, among the things I distinctly remember NOT saying: "I think I should be the one to teach Autumn to drive. I will be calm and cool and never gasp or grab onto the dashboard." In fact, I'm pretty sure I said pretty much the opposite. I know for a fact I used the word "hyper" more than once.
So this evening Autumn and Devin needed to be taken to Pasco and afterward we were going to take Siri out to eat. It was decided that the whole family would go to Pasco to drop them off and then we would go straight to wherever we chose to go (Ivars, by the way. I rarely think to go to the mall just for food but when I do...mmmm I love me some fish and chips.) But, back to my story. So, we all get packed into the car and Rob realizes Siri and I don't have jackets and it will probably get cold so he sends me in to get the jackets. When I come back, Autumn is in the drivers seat and there is an empty place for me in the back. Seriously???? Let's make a mental map of the major streets we would be traveling: Gage Blvd, the 240, the 182, and Road 68. Are you freakin kidding me??? I recall stating very clearly that I didn't want to witness this learning process first hand until she was good at it. I am sooooooooo one of "those" moms! I didn't make it through the first round-about before I was covering my eyes and screaming SLOW DOWN.
I spent most my life thinking I was a laid back kind of gal. I AM NOT! I never, ever, ever want to live through another experience like that for as long as I live.
On a brighter note, she seems to be learning quickly and I think she'll be a great driver someday. Contact me when that happens.


  1. She can't be that bad...can she? I must say that I've been in a couple of fender benders with...ahem...her mother!!!! Just sayin.

  2. If you'll read the post more closely perhaps you'll notice that the comments are more directed at my reactions than her driving.
