Monday, March 16, 2009

Where'd It Go?

When I walked out my front door this morning the first thing I noticed was a lonely little yellow flower peeking out of the ground. Actually, the first thing I noticed was that it was cold and dark at 5:20 in the morning. I mean the first time I went out at a decent hour. I thought it would be fun to take a picture of it for a post on springtime. So I set about looking for my camera. I still haven't found it!!! What am I going to do? Between now and Mother's Day I have 3 trips planned that will need to be documented on film - or memory card - and blogged about. I'm devastated. I swear the last time I saw it was before my fiesta so it has to be around here somewhere? Right?

1 comment:

  1. Yes, you better find it. Did you look on top of the fridge? Mine gets stashed there. Did you ask the kiddos? Of course you did. Is it in the car somewhere? Is it in your potterybarn thing? Under the couch? Behind the computer? On top of or in the bookcase? Between couch cushions? You need to find it!! My camera takes terrible pictures and I want copies of yours of Women's Conference. In your bedroom? In the kids' bedrooms. In the laundry room? In the (I hope not) bathroom? What could anyone be taking pictures of there? Any way, hope you find it soon!
