Saturday, December 13, 2008

Just my opinion

I seriously think that people who don't want to "lie" to their children about Santa (what are they gonna do when a three year old walks in on an intimate moment? Tell the truth? Just wondering?) or who tell their kids that Santa was invented by people who want to kill God really need to drill into their little beasts head the idea that this is private information and that we don't go spoiling the fun for other people. Why should I have to be stuck coming up with a cover story at the last minute when my little kid confronts me with this evidence? Just saying.


  1. Seriously! My mom wouldn't let us believe in Santa but we were told over and over again to not say things to others who believed. It wasn't that hard to do!!!

  2. I agree 100% with you. If you want to tell your kids that is your grinchy business but let the rest of us live the magic of Christmas!!!Just remember those who don't believe don't receive!!
