Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas 2008. It was a good one!

This year Christmas officially started when Rob came home from work at about noon on Christmas Eve. I love having him home for so many days during Christmas and New Year. He is off until Monday and then only works 2 1/2 days next week and is off until the next Monday. How cool is that? Grandpa sent Christmas money and had suggested that one good use for it might be dinner for the family. We opted for lunch at Red Robin. That was a fun treat. With the kids getting older and eating more we tend to take the kids out to eat on a more individual level so it was fun to go out all together. They had a good time.

After lunch Rob took all the kids that wanted to go sledding. That meant Siri. In this photo she is cold and wet and shivering like a little leaf. But look at the joy! There are no pictures of her actually sledding because I stayed home by the nice warm fire.

The Christmas tree in that magical hour. I love looking at the tree after Santa comes and the house is all quiet. I really try not to let my kids define happiness by material things but I love to anticipate how excited they will be.

Opening presents Christmas morning. Siri wore her new pajamas all day until time for bed. I know, gross. But it made her happy.

The most fought over, and first broken, toy? The slinky in the box from Devins grandma. At least the breaking led to the end of the fighting. Opening other gifts helped too. Devin has other shirts. I think this one's his favorite which is why every picture of him seems to be in it.

Rob, carving the roast beast. Yum!

I don't really have any pictures of Autumn doing anything specific but we had fun trying to do self portraits with her new camera. What a fun girl.

1 comment:

  1. Boy, you are really on top of the new-background thing. I love this one.

    Christmas looks like it was really great. Are those silk jammies Rob is wearing? I love them!
