Monday, November 17, 2008

Flashback To: You're wearing what?

I love taking pictures of the kids when I walk in and find them wearing the most random thing. Unfortunately, the older kids do it less and less and until I go through and scan my boxes of disorganized, unscrapbooked photos, I can mostly just show Siri. But here she is in all her random clothesed glory.

I guess she got cold.

This is Autumn and Siri. I have no idea what they were up to but it sure was funny. This is probably one of my favorite pictures.

That would be a fabric book cover on her head. The things they think of. She was a "silly secret agent" that day.

Umm..... What?

Okay, this one was preplanned. This was in a little store in Mexico. She was discovering her roots.

This wasn't at all random at the time but it's all I could find of Devin as far as weird clothes go. This is what he used to refer to as the "naked shirt." It was his favorite outfit for several years and he wore in year round whenever he could get away with it.

1 comment:

  1. Those pictures are awesome. What a good post!
