Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Leaves Are Falling Down

I'm sure you're wondering what on Earth you're looking at. These are the leaves all over my floor. That black thing is the cord to my vacuum. I hadn't had time to put it away from the last time I vacuumed leaves. Oh yes. It's definitely fall. Our yard has a solid layer of leaves at least 2 inches deep. I was going to rake them today but it rained. Yuck. The good news for me, not for my neighbors, is that we are expecting a strong wind tonight which will clear a lot from my yard (sorry) and hopefully clear the tree. Then I can spend a good day with the rake and have my house back to normal.... Until it snows and I get gloves, hats, boots in the entry.....

1 comment:

  1. Good Luck with that! I have only one teeny tiny tree that has maybe 5 leaves on it. I love trees and miss the piles of leaves we had at our old house.
