Thursday, November 6, 2008

I'm growing

Probably 5 or 6 years ago, maybe longer, I had an experience that really opened my eyes to one of my many unattractive behaviors. It was rather silly really but a huge epiphany. I was rooting around in the kitchen cabinet looking for who knows what when a bottle of basalmic vinegar slipped from my fingers and crashed to the floor. For anyone who is unfamiliar, basalmic vinegar is brown and sticky and smells wonderful. Unless it's spewed from one end of your kitchen to the other. Then you feel like someone is assaulting your nostrils. At that time I had little kids under my feet all the time. Every time I'd turn around I was tripping over someone. So, my natural reaction when I saw the mess I had made was to look around for who I could yell at and how I could make it their fault. When I found myself alone I realized what I was trying to do and it hit me like a ton of bricks.
Flash forward to about 1 month ago. I loved my ipod and kept it in the car so that I could listen while I drove or have it ready if the urge hit me to go hiking or tanning or whatever. I always wanted to make sure I would have it when I needed it. For about a week every time I went into the house from the car a thought would come to my head. It said, "one of these days you are going to regret leaving that in the car with the doors unlocked." Hello.... Holy Ghost? Ya think? So one morning I got in the car and sure enough, I regretted leaving my ipod in the car with the doors unlocked. It was gone!!!!! You would think my first reaction was to get mad at the little punk (I just made up the part about it being a little punk, could be a big punk) who stole my ipod but I'm pleased to announce that I've grown. My first thought was, "Idiot!!
Tonight Rob was saying that he wishes he'd have waited for the newer square ones before he got his and I was saying that we might be able to get one for Christmas. He asked what color I want. I'm pleased to announce that it never for one minute occurred to me that the idiot who invited some little punk to steal her ipod should get rewarded with a new (I'd have said yellow) one. Of course I should have Rob's hand-me-down and he should get the new (blue? green? I forgot to ask) one.
Then I remembered the vinegar. It's nice to see that I've grown.


  1. Punks! At least now you have an excuse not to exercise. The minute my Ipod's battery dies I instantly stop jogging and walk.

  2. It's always amazing how life has a way of teaching us about ourselves and then giving us opportunities to prove if we've really learned or not. I'm proud of you for recognizing the mistake you made. Ownership of consequences is a very eluding concept these days. Maybe I can send certain people in my family over to your house and you can hold a seminar on the subject? :)
