Monday, November 3, 2008


Okay, so Alicia tagged me. I tried to pretend I don't understand the assignment but it was just a ruse. I'm not tagging anyone else though cause she already tagged everyone I would have and none of them have done it. Thanks ladies. I guess I have to go first.
6 quirks about me:
1. I brush my teeth with my eyes closed. Not really sure what that's about. I never even realized I do it until Rob pointed it out to me one night. Maybe it's just so I can really concentrate on a real good cleaning. More likely it's my ridiculous gag reflex. If I see anything remotely gross while I'm brushing my teeth I'm done for. Better to just close my eyes.
2. I like sensation to be symmetrical. Meaning, if I get my hand wet I want the other one wet. If I hurt my finger I will do something to hurt the matching finger on the other side. Weird, I know.
3. I don't like to put my lips on my fork. I'll usually scrape the food off with my teeth. I'm not crazy about touching spoons either but that can be harder to get around.
4. I sometimes get caught up in spelling things. If someone says a sentence and the urge hits me I'll repeat the spelling of all the words in my head. Sometimes I'll even visualize myself typing the sentence. I know this is weird but I'm a reasonable speller and a reasonably fast typist so......... if I works for shooting a free throw, why not for spelling. Just sayin.
5. I'm a habitual toe wiggler. All my running shoes end up wearing out on top instead of the bottom from poking the top when I wiggle my toes.
6. No matter how many times I've seen a movie, I won't start watching in the middle and I will stick with it till the end. Even if it takes several sittings I will keep coming back until I've watched the whole movie. Beginning to end.


  1. Those are some good quirks. I haven't responded yet because I can't think of anything good. I know there's got to be a few quirky things about me, I just feel like I'm pretty boring. We'll see what I can come up with.

  2. Those are great quirks!

  3. We'll just start calling you Kwerky Keolani.
