Saturday, November 8, 2008

Twilight part II: Clarification

I PROMISE NO SPOILERS THIS TIME. It's been brought to my attention that I've messed up the Twilight series for someone. I AM SOOOOOO SORRY. I'm so sorry I even made my apology purple in your honor. Next time I will warn about spoilers. I'm new at this is my only excuse.
Obviously I didn't clearly explain my position on the books. I LIKE THEM! I know that kids know the difference between reality and fantasy and I absolutely let them read book where people do things I wouldn't want them doing. What fun is it to read about your real life? You (or I) read to experience a different life for a while. I have read with my kids more Harry Potter/Lemony Snicket/Lord of the Rings/Artemis Fowl/Percy Jackson/Guardian King/Ender etc. than I would ever have hoped to in my whole life. They love fantasy and sci-fi in a way that I will never understand.
When I first read Twilight I thought it was a great, clean, story for young girls. I laughed and rolled my eyes when the girls would sit around talking about Edward being the perfect boyfriend. Whatever, harmless. I did think it was a great opportunity to take Autumn aside and explain to her that while Edward the vampire makes a great boyfriend, Edward the regular kid could possibly be an abuser in the making. Conversation took all of about 5 minutes.
My problem came when I realized that the books are an obsession for some adult, married women. NOT JUDGING! NOT MY BUSINESS! I already had the conversation with my daughter. I realize that most of the women I associate with have not had my past and are not at my stage with their daughters. I'm at the point now when I'm worried about what my daughter has learned about relationships. I was just putting out another point of view. Something for people to think about before they go telling young women that Edward is the perfect boyfriend. We know that it's all talk and that we love our flawed, imperfect husbands so much it hurts. But, if our daughters meet a guy like Edward will they remember that all the women in their ward talked about wishing they had a guy like that?
Fact is, I'm not even a little worried about Autumn meeting her Edward. In fact, if she does meet him, my whole belief system is flawed and I think she should go for it. Become a vampire. Bring us along with her. I'd love to live forever with my hot new self and my hot new Rob. Oh, wait, that's what I'm working for. But I digress. My only point is that while we are swooning over Edward we should be pointing out to these girls that they won't be meeting their Edward. If they meet a guy that acts like that they will more likely be meeting their stalker. I had the conversation with my daughter and it's not my business if anyone else has the conversation with theirs. I was just putting out another point of view. I do give teenagers a lot of credit but I also know that a lot of women have ended up in bad relationships that started with her thinking it was so romantic that he loved her so much that he controlled her every move.
Just another point of view. I never meant to imply that people shouldn't read the books and let their kids read them. Anyone who knows me knows better than that. I just think they watch us closely and we need to be careful. It's a fun diversion for us but we need to make sure they know that that's all it is.
I am now stepping off my soapbox. Who's going to the movie with me? I promise to keep my mouth shut and enjoy the show!

1 comment:

  1. You didn't ruin it, you actually made me want to get to the end of new moon faster.

    I too am missing something because I am not sure what there was to get hot and bothered by. I in no way was attracted to or by Edward.

    I also understand what you mean about Autumn and not wanting her to think that it would be OK to leave all behind for a man that wasn't her husband.

    However, I really am enjoying the books. I haven't read books where I couldn't put them down since Children of the Promise!!!
