Monday, November 3, 2008


In the spring of 2005, when Devin had just turned 9, he decided that he wanted cornrows. I wasn't so keen on the idea it but saved me the hassle of monthly haircuts so, whatever. He spent all summer growing his hair out. Unfortunately, he hated to comb it. I bought him all kinds of unfamiliar products to try to make the job easier but he still hated it. Do you blame him? I just thought, who cares? It's summer. One weekend he came home from his dad's house with a perfectly picked out fro and complained about how much it hurt. I told him cornrows would require several hours of that type of treatment. He got a haircut the next day. What a shock to realize he was several inches shorter than I thought he was. He hasn't tried that one again.

With Siri and Kylee.

The only way I could get him to go near a pick.



  1. I loved the fro, especially when it was wet! I remember that, good times, good times! I wish fro boy would make another appearance.

  2. Don't tell him I said this, but look at cute, little Devin! I can't believe how young he looks in that last picture! Can you believe that was only 3 years ago!
