Wednesday, October 22, 2008

2 nights 2 many

Rob gets back from his trip tonight! Hurray! He has only been gone since Monday afternoon. He had some training in Irvine, CA. He was supposed to be back tomorrow, which didn't make a lot of sense since the training was only through this morning. He finally convinced 'them' to look into a flight for today so he'll be here early. I know a lot of husbands travel a lot for business but Rob hasn't since I don't know when. I was sad when I was setting the table for dinner last night and realized what I did.

Yep, that's his place at the end. It's been nice this time though. Since the kids are all pretty self sufficient it was nice to see that I miss him, not just the work he does.


  1. One good thing about having your husband gone is that you can have cereal for dinner and the kids will be just as happy as if you'd made a gourmet meal (at least mine). I'm impressed you made a full on dinner. Go you!

  2. Oh make no mistake. We're talking spaghetti from a jay here.
