Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Thank Goodness for Emma

So my friends Shannon and JaNae have been biking the Kennewick/Pasco loop about once a week for the last few weeks. I have joined them about every third time. Translation: today was my second time. Let's just say that once every three weeks isn't quite cutting it for me. Apparently when they don't have to take turns pulling Emma in the trailer they can do it in 1hr. 40 min. Thank goodness we had her today because I never would have kept up. I just keep pedaling and pedaling with my eye set on the bridge because I knew that was the end. I mean, really, after you cross the river it's just the park. Right? Well, Columbia Park is a loooooooooong stinking park. Didn't help that today we have the first good Tri-Cities wind of the season. Holy cow. The thing that kills me is that I spent a good year and a half getting myself into reasonably reasonable shape and a few weeks of laziness and I feel like I'm back where I started. Guess I'm gonna have to make sure I keep my Tuesday mornings free so I can learn to keep up with those girls.
I kind of have this heights issue so crossing the bridge just freaks me out. Some random guy had the nerve to be crossing MY bridge going the other way. Rude huh. So I start freaking out when he's probably 100 feet away and run into the guard rail. Good thing there isn't much traffic on that bridge. Oh wait. Yes there is. On the up side. I made it in one piece and lived to tell the tale. Shannon and JaNae - YOU ROCK!


  1. Correction: It's an hour and 20. Yes, the wind totally sucks! I don't know what you are talking about, you did great, kept up the whole time except for that texting issue you had with Autumn.

  2. You finished and that is the important part. GREAT job! You rock too!! You all ROCK!

  3. Stupid Tri-City Herald guy! I would have pretended to be a little cooler had I known.
