Sunday, October 12, 2008

Wow never saw that one coming

This morning I'm sleeping peacefully in my bed when the phone rings. 3 hours later I'm somehow the primary chorister. How does that happen? I group of people sit around trying to figure out who is right for the job. The person should be musical, good with kids, and creative. Or....we can choose Keolani. Clearly this was inspired because if it were based on logic, surely there are better people out there for this. Of course, they all are either ready to pop or just did. Really Kristin, 3 is such a nice number of kids in a family. Did you really have to try for that girl? Girls are expensive and high drama.
You know what I really think happened? I've been helping out with the Sunbeams during sharing time. Melissa had her hands full and asked if I would mind missing Sunday School to give her an extra lap and set of hands. Being the generous gal that I am I said sure. I guess they thought that I had relaxed my No Primary stance. The truth is I kind of have. I've liked being in there with the kids. It's a lot funner when I don't do little kids all day every day. I'm just stressed out about all the cutesy things the chorister has to do. I just hope that when people start complaining and wondering why I think I'm qualified to do such a job they will realize that I absolutely don't think I'm qualified even a little bit. Oh well, here goes.


  1. You'll be fantastic...and seriously when my kids come home from primary they never say "mom, guess what cute thing we used today in singing time?" Typically they say "we sang songs." So if you get them to sing songs, you've reached my children's level of expectation. :)

  2. From watching Kristin I think the hardest part will be getting the kids to not completely ignore you, good luck with that! You will do great, just don't call on the same 3 kids every time. I think even the shy kids want to do stuff, but are scared to raise thier hands. Are you going to be released from your other calling? I can't wait to see you in action. Don't worry, kids love least mine do.

  3. You will be fantastic however I do think it is a very high maintainance calling so if you ever need help, I have tons of books from when I did it. I think I told you yesterday, when I became Primary President it was easier than the chorister calling. You will be great!!!!!

  4. Sorry, I didn't comment sooner, I thought I had you set up on my Google Reader, but I didn't I guess, so I'm playing catch up with your blog. You are going to do great, Keolani! I was so stressed when I first got that calling. It wasn't until recently that I really started feeling comfortable with it. That's probably why it was time for me to be released. I've found that the calling is more about the enthusiasm you put into it and less about your abilities. You'll do great! We can get together soon and I can give you stuff and tell you other things I've learned. Congrats!
