Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Best News Ever!

For those that don't know, Devin has struggled through school. He just has some learning issues that have frustrated him since the day he walked into preschool. He has always thought he's dumb, which anyone who's ever talked to him can tell you is crazy. He was so stressed about going to middle school and being behind. He's be told all this time that he's about 3-4 years behind in his reading. He started the year in resource for 4 periods and only 3 periods of general ed.
Well, after doing his MAP testing a couple of weeks ago I got an email from his teacher. He scored an 8.8 grade reading level. They have changed his schedule and have him in general ed classes. His confidence has gone through the roof and every day he looks forward to going to school instead of the fights we had been having. I've even walked into the living room and found him reading for pleasure. I knew he was a smart kid even when he struggled with reading. Now he knows it too.


  1. Devin has always amazed me. I have always thought he was smart. He is a great kid and I love him to death!

  2. Ok let's try this again. I am so glad you had that for Devon. He is a good kid and it is nice when they realize their value and potential.

    Where's the spell check for the comments left?
